What booth is needed for a German shepherd. Choosing the right size and building a do-it-yourself booth for a German shepherd. For large dogs

Many of the guard dogs are too large for typical apartments (Caucasian Shepherd Dog, Alabai), so they are preferred to be kept in the yard, on the street. However, it is necessary to take care of a home for the dog, think about where he will rest, sleep, hide from the rain. Usually the owners build booths for their pets.

General patterns when calculating the size of a booth for a dog

When building or buying a home for a dog, it is imperative to take into account its size. In a small booth, he will be cramped and uncomfortable. In too large - cold in winter, the watchman will freeze. The kennel should allow the animal to freely enter, lie down, turn around.

If the pet is only a few months old, then there are 2 options: build 2 booths (“puppy”, with a small margin and “adult”) or make housing immediately to the size of the grown animal. In the latter case, it is worth focusing on breed standards if the puppy is thoroughbred. If a mongrel, then we can proceed from the size of the parents and the predicted growth.

  • the width of the dog's chest;
  • length from the tip of the nose to the tail;
  • height at the withers;
  • overall height from floor to head.

Having all the parameters on hand, you can proceed to the calculation of the size of the kennel. The following relationships between the dimensions of the dog and the internal dimensions of the booth are observed:

  • the height and width of the booth are equal to the total height of the dog + 5 cm;
  • the depth of the kennel is equal to the length of the dog + 5 cm;
  • manhole 5 cm wider than the width of the chest and 5 cm lower than the height at the withers.

Thus, it is easy to calculate the size of the booth for a dog of any breed and build the perfect home for a pet.

Video: What should be a booth for a dog. Rules and sizes.

If you buy a ready-made booth

Booths are not produced separately for each breed. Manufacturers proceed from dividing them into 3 conditional groups: small, medium, large. And already for each of the categories, averaged parameters are used. Of course, this does not take into account the individual characteristics of each dog, since even within each group there is a significant variation in size. Therefore, not always sold booths will be suitable for each particular pet. To choose the right booth, you need to know the size of the dog.

For small breeds(dachshund, terrier, pug) the following sizes are offered: up to 60x80x60 cm. Laz 40x30 cm and less.

For medium(such will be, for example, the dimensions of the booth for huskies, huskies, etc.): up to 80x110x80 cm. Manhole 45x35 cm.

For large(Caucasian, Alabai): up to 110x130x110 cm. Laz 50x40.

How to choose a place for a kennel

There are a number of requirements for the correct location of the kennel. Whether it's a German Shepherd kennel or a mongrel kennel, the list is the same:

  • The protected area must be fully visible. The watchdog needs to control all movements on the owner's territory, since he is constantly on the "service".
  • The room for the dog should be 10-15 m away from the human house. Then the owners and the guard will not interfere with each other.
  • The joint keeping of dogs and other animals (cows, horses, etc.) is unacceptable. Noise, fumes, irritating odors, etc. adversely affect the condition and health of the watchman.
  • The dog house should be in a bright, well-lit place. But there should be a shadow nearby so that the pet can hide from the scorching sun in the summer. The best option is under a tree or a canopy.
  • The place for the kennel must be dry so that water does not accumulate under it. A good option is to put the booth on a hill. Then the water will drain, and the view will be magnificent.

Attention ! The site must be made with a slight slope so that excess water drains. Then you need to remove the holes, level and tamp the ground.

Carefully ! From the area reserved for the movement of the dog, sharp and piercing objects should be removed so that the animal does not get hurt. Also, there should be no other objects on the site that interfere with the movements of the guard.

  • When installing the house, you should orient it to the cardinal points and take into account the prevailing wind direction. Drafts adversely affect the health of dogs. The entrance should be directed in the direction from which the winds do not blow, so that in winter or autumn snow and rain do not blow into the booth.
  • It is undesirable to put the kennel directly on the ground. Then in wet weather the floor will be damp and cold, moisture will linger under it. It is better to bring a small foundation, use stands or put on legs. A gap of 5-10 cm wide between the floor and the ground is necessary so that the bottom is ventilated and does not get wet from the surface.
  • Bowls should be placed so that the animal cannot accidentally turn them over.

Attention ! The most pleasant coating for dog paws is natural. It can be earth, lawn or simple grass, sand and gravel. Artificial turf can be hazardous to animal health. So, on the tile, the pet will constantly slip, which will lead to injuries. The concrete is gaining cold and dampness, because of this, the dogs catch a cold.

Guard dog kennel sizes

Attention ! If the booth seems cramped and uncomfortable, then the dog is unlikely to live in it. If the size is too large, the dog will not be able to heat the room with his body and will freeze.

Dimensions of a dog house for a husky. The optimal length indoors is up to 100 cm, height (excluding the roof) and width - up to 80 cm. so as not to wear out quickly. In winter, the entrance should be hung with burlap or other dense fabric so that the door lies with a slight overlap on the jambs and the threshold.

The size of the booth for a German shepherd: length 80 cm, width and height (at the lowest point) - 70 cm. The size of the hole is 45x35 cm. It is also desirable to provide a threshold so that water, dirt and dust remain outside.

The housing for a husky practically does not differ from the place where a husky or a shepherd will live: length up to 90 cm, width and height up to 70 cm. The size of the hole is 45x35 cm.

A somewhat larger booth for a Caucasian Shepherd Dog. Its dimensions will be approximately as follows: the interior is 90x80x110 cm (HxWxD). Laz approximately 40x50 cm.

The most spacious booth for Alabai: its size is 90x100x130 cm (HxWxD). Manhole up to 45x55 cm.

Next to the kennel, you can equip a wooden shield 100x150 cm. This is a small flooring for feeding and resting the dog so that it does not lie in the mud. Also, a strong hook or ring for tying a pet will not hurt, even if it is not planned to keep it on a chain. Sometimes it becomes necessary to hold the animal.

Structural features

Natural wood is best suited for a kennel: boards, slabs, thin logs, etc. It is necessary to treat building materials with impregnations that prevent rotting and the formation of fungus. Outside, you can use plywood, MDF and other materials. From the outside, you can paint the booth. So it will look more attractive, and the tree will be protected from moisture. It is not recommended to use paintwork materials inside.

Advice ! It is better not to use metal tiles for external cladding, as the chain will rattle against it.

The roof can be made single-pitched or double-pitched. The first option is preferable, because dogs like to lie on the roof of their houses. If the pet is kept on a leash most of the time, then jumping up and down will allow it not to lose shape. The slope of the roof is small, no more than 20-30°. 15-20° is best. From above, it must be covered with a moisture-proof material. Knowing the dimensions of the dog house and the angle of inclination, it is easy to calculate the required length and calculate the amount of material. You can make a flat roof, but in this case, water can accumulate on it. The roof must necessarily be lifting, so that it is convenient to clean up. It is also not bad if the roof protrudes forward, forming a "canopy" over the entrance. This will be additional protection from rain and snow.

Clue ! The roof of the booth must be removable, as this is the only way to clean and disinfect the inside.

The floor and walls inside should be smooth, without cracks. For areas with cold winters, it is imperative to consider warming the booth. Usually the interior walls are sheathed with foam. This is an affordable and inexpensive material, but it retains heat well. Inside you can make a litter. Hay and straw are especially good, because they are easy to lay and clean. In summer, bedding is not needed.

Attention ! No matter how warm the booth is, you need to provide a place for spending the night or heating the dog in the house in case it is very cold, damp or strong wind outside.

The entrance is hung with burlap or tarpaulin. In cold areas, felt is sometimes used. The size of the curtain in length and width is 3-5 cm larger than the hole. Otherwise, it will loosely close the entrance. If the "door" is too large, then it will get stuck inside the booth, which will create additional inconvenience for the watchman. If it is too long, the dog will step on it, which will also interfere with free movement.

The German Shepherd is one of the well-known and widespread breeds in service dog breeding. Like any living creature, a dog needs its own corner where it will eat, sleep, and which will protect it during the cold season.

Therefore, every shepherd dog owner living in a country house or in the country should take care of buying or building a booth with his own hands.

Choosing a place for a booth

The place for the booth should provide the guard dog with the greatest possible overview of the territory, especially behind the entrance and exit from the yard. At the same time, it is impossible to place the booth at the lowest point of the yard, where moisture will collect during the melting of snow and heavy rains.

Often a dog house is located close to the fence, next to the main entrance. This is not worth doing: dogs are very sensitive to extraneous sounds and smells, from which they can bark endlessly at every passerby.

Do not put a booth near the house, outdoor toilet or buildings with other animals. Such an arrangement will not have the best effect on sanitation in the habitat of the shepherd dog.

Be sure to think about protecting the dog house from the sun and drafts. If there are a lot of trees in the yard, the booth should be placed in a place where there will be the least amount of sunlight during the day.

Necessary materials and tools

The best material for building a booth is wood. It is recommended to use pine lining, then the shepherd booth will be durable.

This material will not irritate the animal with its smell, it holds heat well and is easy to process. In addition to lining, you will need insulation, a couple of sheets of chipboard and paints and varnishes for wood processing.

Tools for working with wood need the most common:

  • roulette;
  • pencil;
  • level;
  • screwdriver;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • metal corners;
  • saw;
  • sealant.

German Shepherd kennel dimensions

The dimensions of the booth for a German shepherd should not greatly exceed the size of an adult animal, since in winter the booth will be heated by the heat generated by the dog's body.

Most people take a dog when it is still very small, so it is very difficult to predict the dimensions of the future structure.

Experienced shepherd dog owners are advised to build according to the following dimensions:

  • Length - 125 cm;
  • Height - 100 cm;
  • Width - 70 cm;
  • Entrance - 40 × 60 cm.

The roof of the kennel for a German shepherd can be single-pitched or double-pitched, then it is recommended to make its angle of inclination 15 or 30 degrees, respectively.

We are building a frame

  1. Before erecting the frame, we clear and, if necessary, level the site for construction.
  2. Next, we assemble the base. We make the perimeter of the base from beams fastened with self-tapping screws, we strengthen the boards that serve as the floor on the perimeter.
  3. We put vertical racks of bars. For reliable fastening of the rack, we connect it to the base with metal corners. From above, we fasten the bars of the rack with crossbars around the entire perimeter. As a result, we get the main frame.
  4. To give the structure rigidity, additional crossbars can be made in the middle of the uprights.

Sewing a dog house

From the outer part of the wall of the booth we sheathe with pine boards, and from the inside we use chipboard sheets.

If there are sub-zero temperatures in the region, we lay insulation between the boards and chipboard.

Between the roof and the main space of the booth, we sew a chipboard sheet over the entire area. Then you can additionally insulate the booth due to the layer of insulation between the sheet and the roof. We sheathe the roof with clapboard, cover it with roofing material and slate.

We carry out finishing work

After the construction of the booth, you need to perform a number of finishing works. First, we inspect the dog house for protruding sharp elements, clean the chips and knots with sandpaper or a grinder. All gaps are filled with sealant.

In conclusion, we treat the finished booth with an antiseptic and moisture-resistant impregnation, cover it with varnish or paint from the outside.

What to insulate?

You can choose almost any insulation, the only thing you need to think about is its environmental friendliness - your friend and security guard will live in the booth. Most breeders use regular mineral wool or foam.

If there are severe and prolonged frosts in the region, it is worth additionally sheathing the booth with felt.

Proper care

The health of any dog ​​directly depends on regular preventive measures to maintain it and on hygiene procedures. Therefore, at least once every six months, it is necessary to carry out a general cleaning of the booth.

Cleaning should include a complete replacement of the fabric material, the treatment of the internal walls of the booth with non-aggressive chemicals, and the renewal of the exterior paintwork.

Does a German Shepherd need a chain?

To keep a German Shepherd on a chain or not, the owner decides on his own. But it should be understood that the breed needs high activity and freedom of movement.

Shepherd dogs, which are kept on a chain, are characterized by apathy, aggression and low immunity.

The best option would be to build a specially designed aviary.

Basic requirements for aviaries

The enclosure for the German Shepherd should not contain sharp elements. During construction, bolts with nuts or a welding machine should be used.

The size of the enclosure should be such that the German Shepherd can more or less actively move around.

The enclosure must be protected from rain, wind, sun and high humidity.

The dimensions of the enclosure are set based on the number of German Shepherds and their sizes. For one individual, it is enough to make an aviary 3 × 3 meters.

We build an aviary for a German shepherd

After putting in order the territory under the enclosure for the German shepherd, the manufacture includes the following steps:

  1. We level the area under the aviary, or we put bricks under the base.
  2. We weld the base of the iron corners.
  3. We lay a board on the base from the corners.
  4. We put vertical racks (you can also from the corners), the length of the racks should allow you to make a pitched roof.
  5. From above, we close the frame with the same corners.
  6. Next, we weld the rods on three sides of the aviary.
  7. We sew up the fourth wall with sheets of chipboard or a board.
  8. For laying slate sheets, we make additional floors.
  9. We lay slate or corrugated board.

In conclusion, you need to take care of protecting the enclosure from the negative effects of the environment.

We must paint the metal structure, and we process the wooden elements against pests and moisture.

If you are the owner of a German Shepherd, then you are very lucky, because this is a true friend and reasonable companion. He is ready to share his love with you every day. Do you want to please your four-legged friend? A self-built doghouse for a German Shepherd is a great way to show care and attention. Shall we try?

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Booth dimensions

Perhaps someone will say that building a booth with your own hands is a thankless task and it is easier to buy this product in a store. But it happens that the pet is not too comfortable in his new home, and the standard dimensions may not at all correspond to the true size of the dog. To build a booth on your own means to make it especially for your pet, taking into account all its individual characteristics.

Where to start building? Of course, from the measurements of the pet. In order to make a house for a German Shepherd, you will need a drawing, which means that you need accurate data.

What is the correct way to take measurements? The most suitable option is when the dog lies on its side, legs spread, and occupies the largest territory. Separately, you need to measure the height at the withers to find out what the height of the kennel will be.

We give you data that will fit a standard size German Shepherd, so:

  • width - 1.35 m;
  • depth - 1 m;
  • height - 0.95 cm.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the parameters of the entrance to the booth for the dog. Usually the width is 0.4 m and the height is 0.6 m.

If your dog is clearly larger than the indicated sizes, it is advisable to increase all the "indicators". This will help build a kennel that will really fit your dog. In the photo you can see what the drawing of the booth looks like.

How to build?

To build a kennel with your own hands, you will need a little skill, as well as an understanding of what you are doing. You should be familiar with some of the design features.

What are the main points to be observed when building a booth with your own hands?

  1. First of all, it is worth remembering that it will be located on the street, which means that the dog house must have insulation.
  2. You need to use only natural materials so that the dog does not have an allergy.
  3. It is important that the floor is removable or the structure has a liftable roof - this will help during cleaning.
  4. It is most convenient to make a gable roof: this will make it possible to store dog brushes, a leash and other paraphernalia in it.
  5. You can not build a completely enclosed version of the pet booth, otherwise the animal may end up in the "box".
  6. As an option: build a kennel in an aviary so that the pet feels comfortable in his home and at the same time does not lose touch with the outside world.

Tools and materials

In order to build a shepherd dog house, you will need some things, namely:

  • wood for the booth (it can be pine) - timber, boards, lining;
  • ruberoid;
  • roofing material - metal tiles, corrugated board, etc.;
  • a hammer;
  • hacksaw;
  • screws;
  • plywood;
  • insulation;
  • bolts, nuts, screws;
  • screwdriver;
  • chisel;
  • carpentry corner.

Step-by-step instruction

As soon as you have the necessary measurements and materials, you can get to work. The sequence of actions to be performed is described below.

Please note that all wooden parts must be treated with an anti-fungal agent with your own hands.

Step 1. You need to build a frame

  1. In accordance with the dimensions of our booth, we knock together a rectangle from a bar - a frame for the future floor. If you are afraid that the floor will sag, you can add a couple of logs from a bar at an equal distance from one another.
  2. At the corners of the structure, beams from a bar are fastened in height to the height of the booth (in accordance with the dimensions). From above they are tied with a beam.
  3. You need to fix the structure with your own hands with metal corners or self-tapping screws.
  4. From the beam we make the perimeter of the roof, and between them we fix the rafters - 3 on each side. Make sure that the skate is somewhat longer than the total length of the booth, so that a kind of canopy forms over the entrance.

Step 2. Sheathing the dog house

  1. Subfloor boards are tightly stuffed onto the floor joists. A layer of insulation, for example, polystyrene, is laid on them with their own hands. A finishing floor is made on top of plywood or planed boards.
  2. With your own hands, you need to sheathe the walls of the booth from the inside with a board or plywood. Don't forget to leave room for the entrance. Then the walls are insulated with foam, laying it on the cladding boards between the support bars. And only then the structure is sheathed on the outside with clapboard, board or plywood.
  3. The ceiling is made of plywood. Styrofoam is also laid on top of it, and then another sheet of plywood is attached.
  4. The roof frame is upholstered with plywood, waterproofing (roofing material) is laid on it, and then the roofing material is laid.

Step 3. Finishing work

  1. When making a passage for the dog, take care of a curtain of the right size so that the pet does not get cold during windy weather.
  2. The final touch: you need to varnish the wood. This should be done only from the outside, while the inside remains unchanged.

So, the do-it-yourself booth is ready. This means that now your four-legged friend can safely "settle" in his new home and keep watch, guarding you and your property.

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Video "We make a house for a shepherd dog"

In this video we will talk about how to make a booth for a German shepherd with your own hands.

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In the modern world, there are a lot of options for the sweet dog life. The variety of food, clothing and toys is very large. Keeping indoor small dogs in the apartment is quite comfortable. But how to keep a large breed pet in the house? Caucasian Shepherd, Alabai or German Shepherd will not feel comfortable in the apartment. If the owner of the dog lives in a country house, the right decision would be to build a house for a German shepherd.

With large dog breeds, the first thing to consider is whether to place the dog outside the home. What is better to choose - an aviary or a booth?

An aviary implies a room where the animal freely rests and lives. Some enclosures contain a fenced area for walking.

Dog houses are also distinguished by a variety of designs, for every taste and color.

Shepherd's booth has the same functionality as a house for a person, it has walls, a floor and a roof.

It is important for the animal that the booth warms in the cold and gives the necessary coolness in the heat. In order for the dog to be comfortable in the booth, the room is made taking into account the size of the dog. Usually, 10 cm is added to the height and width of the pet, so that the dog can comfortably move and turn from side to side in his house. Such building sizes for a German Shepherd will most of all correspond to normal conditions for a dog.

When choosing a design, consider roof features. The roof, preferably, should be made removable - rising, then, so that you can clean the room inside and ventilate it in sunny weather. The design of the roof can be any. Just keep in mind that German Shepherds are very fond of inspecting their surroundings from a hill, which means that it is most convenient to make the roof flat and shed. In addition, physical exercises such as climbing and jumping off the roof are very useful for a dog that is limited in movement and tied to one place during most of the time.

Start of construction

Before starting construction, it would be nice to draw a drawing of the booth. with sizing calculations. The dimensions of the booth for the German Shepherd should take into account its height, length and width. The booth should be comfortable and designed to protect the animal from cold, rain and wind.

Construction materials, it is better to choose natural. You can make a design from a thick sheet of OSB. As insulation, you can use glassine, or any known mineral insulation.

Having drawn a drawing, and having marked out all the dimensions of the booth for a German shepherd, you can begin to build a dog house.

Necessary materials

  • Bars.
  • Boards.
  • Sheets of plywood, or OSB sheets.
  • Glassine or other material for hydro - wind protection.
  • Mineral wool, or foam sheets, or other insulation.
  • Iron, or other roofing material.
  • Hinges, if the roof structure is supposed to be removable.
  • Siding, or other material for covering the outer layer.

First you need make a frame. Then the floor. On 4 bars connected in the shape of a rectangle, an OSB sheet, or a layer of plywood, is attached. Paul is ready. At 4 corners, vertically, 4 bars are nailed, these will be load-bearing for the walls. In the wall where the hole is supposed to be, the bars are also nailed along the border of the entrance hole.

Further, on the bars, a sheet of material is nailed, which can be insulated from the outside with a heater, having previously upholstered the sheets with waterproofing. Outside, you can finish with siding, or nail another sheet of plywood or OSB.

The roof, it is better to make it removable, or, on hinges, which will allow you to tilt the roof like a hatch. This will clean the building and ventilate it.

Optimal dimensions

The optimal size of the booth for a shepherd dog:

  • width:1.35m.
  • length 1 m.
  • height:1 m.

Don't forget to insulate the building. The dog should be warm, even in the most severe winter.

How to choose a place to install a booth?

In order for the dog to be comfortable in her new house, it is necessary to carefully plan booth location. The dog must control all movements outside the home, she needs good review.

In order not to interfere with the person and so that the person does not interfere with the dog, it is advisable to place the structure no closer than 10 meters to the house.

It is desirable that the animal's dwelling be in a lighted place. But, it's good if this place is in the shade so that, in the hot summer, the dog can hide from the heat. Do not install the structure directly on the ground. Try to build a small elevation.

What tools will be needed in construction?

Also, stock up on self-tapping screws and staples for the stapler.

It is necessary to prepare a heater- mineral wool, waterproofing and vapor barrier.

The kennel for the German Shepherd must be strong enough - who knows what movements the dog will produce inside.

It will be very good to equip the dog with a pedestal for bowls of food and water. It can be fixed next to the dog house, or built into the vestibule. A tambour for a dog is also a necessary design. It is designed to protect the dog's hole from wind and snow, with an attached vestibule, direct wind currents will not be able to blow into the dog's room and harm it. If the design of the vestibule is not provided, try to make the roof wider so that there is a sufficient canopy in front of the entrance to the shepherd dog house.

During the arrangement and construction try to make it 100% secure. There should be no protruding screws, splinters and other obstacles in the walls, floor and ceiling that can damage the health of the dog. And the walls and other parts of the structure for the German Shepherd must be carefully sanded, primed and, preferably, covered with a colorless varnish.

The floor must be installed in such a way that there are no gaps in the floor. If a dog's claw gets stuck in the crack, it can pull it out and thereby injure itself, which will then heal for a long time. In addition, from the cracks in the floor, the wind can blow and the room will be cold.

If you choose some special type of material for building a dog house, choose softwood. It is more environmentally friendly, its scent will not distract the pet and harm the dog, because it is the natural smell of wood.

The booth should not stand directly on the ground. You can build a pedestal for it from foam blocks, or make a wooden platform. This will protect the booth from cold and wind, and protect the dog from ants, bedbugs and other blood-sucking insects moving on the ground.

If the pet weighs too much, or is larger than the standard size, the floor of the booth may sag and even crack. In order to eliminate this phenomenon, it is required to fix several bars under the floor of the booth to prevent the boards from deflecting.

For special comfort, you can make the floor plywood, or lay linoleum on it. This will protect your pet's paws from unexpected injuries.

Laz booths, in the cold season, can be equipped with a curtain. It will not allow cold air to penetrate inside and prevent warm air from escaping from inside the booth.

Short Tips:

How to measure your dog correctly

Measure the dog when it is lying quietly on its side with its paws spread out. This is the most optimal and correct size, the volume of which is as accurate as possible.

It is very important to make a booth of the right size. Indeed, in a cramped, uncomfortable booth, the dog is unlikely to want to stay for a long time. A comfortable room, with regular walls, a pleasant aroma of coniferous forest, will surely please the German Shepherd and become her favorite place to spend time.

If the booth is designed correctly, a dog, will gladly enter it and settle down in his new house. If the design of the kennel is too narrow or too short, the dog will not live in it. But even in a room that is too spacious, the dog, although it will be at ease, but in winter, it may be cold. The German Shepherd kennel should be a reliable shelter from the cold, wind, rain and heat.

I would like to note that on severe frosty days, or on damp, dank, rainy days, it is best to bring the dog home, where an additional place for it will be equipped. This will save the dog from colds, illnesses and bad mood. A happy dog ​​will serve its owner faithfully. And the booth, which the owner made with his own hands, can be shown to guests as their own attraction.

A shepherd dog booth is installed in a spacious aviary or in the yard, where the animal gets enough space to move. For…

How to build a booth for a German shepherd with your own hands: instructions with drawings and dimensions

Choosing a place for a booth

For the permanent maintenance of the German Shepherd, it is necessary to choose a relatively calm place with a good view. An aviary and a booth for a dog are best located a short distance from the house. It is important that the animal can see the entire space of the yard, the front door and the gate. The best choice would be to install a booth on a hill - so you can provide a good overview, protect the building from flooding during rain.

The kennel should also be protected from direct sunlight.

Do-it-yourself booth option for a shepherd dog

IMPORTANT: The kennel for the German Shepherd is placed so that other buildings or trees protect it from the wind. But you should not choose a place near the fence, where the animal will hear every person passing by. Also, you should not place a booth near a garage, buildings for other animals, a toilet - sounds and pungent odors will excite the shepherd dog.

The conditions of our climate are characterized by low average daily temperature for most of the year, severe frosts in the winter months. The German Shepherd is well protected from short-term exposure to cold, humidity and wind with its thick coat. But with constant keeping on the street in the autumn-winter season, the animal can get hypothermia, leading to various diseases, as well as frostbite of the paws and ears. To reliably protect the German Shepherd from the cold, you will need an insulated booth.

The kennel room is heated by the body of the animal, so you just need to create conditions under which the temperature will be maintained for as long as possible. To do this, wooden walls are made double, and a layer of thermal insulation is laid between them. An ordinary building insulation is suitable - mineral wool or polystyrene foam. For the same purpose, a second floor is made under the roof structure - the ceiling, thermal insulation is also laid on it.

Option booth for a shepherd dog with a vestibule

The entrance manhole from the street and the inner one from the vestibule must be closed with a curtain made of dense material or tarpaulin. This will help protect the dog from sudden gusts of wind, eliminate the danger of blowing heat out of the booth.

IMPORTANT: Keeping warm will be difficult if the shepherd kennel is right on the ground. It is necessary to make a wooden base at least 15 cm high or put the building itself on legs. The floor of the booth is also laid with insulation.

To keep heat, the booth must be raised above the ground

Project selection

A dog house can be the simplest, resembling a rectangular wooden box in shape, such buildings are quite easy to care for. Often the booth is a more complex structure, sometimes it is made in the same style as the main house on the site. On the Internet you can find a project for every taste, you can also design and make a shepherd booth with your own hands. If you are in doubt about which building will be comfortable for the dog, it is better to show the options you like to the breeder.

Cabin with extra storage space

To increase the comfort of the conditions of keeping the animal, it is better to immediately think about various useful elements. The design of the kennel may include a high feeder, a drinking bowl, a canopy, a box for toys and other accessories, a place for a toilet. The drop-down gable roof is also good for storing additional accessories. If you include all these details in the scheme at the initial stage, the final building will turn out to be more convenient and will look neater.

Drawings and dimensions

The most important step is the correct measurement of the animal and the calculation of the size of the dog house. The place in the building should be strictly limited, it should barely be enough for an adult shepherd dog. The housing is heated only by the heat of the animal's body, so if you make the kennel more spacious, in winter it will stand out in the cold.

To get the correct doghouse dimensions for a German Shepherd, measure the dog from the tip of the nose to the tail, as well as the height at the withers. Add 15 cm to the resulting figures - this will be the length and height of the booth. Also measure the width of the chest and subtract 10 cm from it to get the size of the manhole. This opening should also be small to reduce heat loss - the dog should just pass through it, bending slightly. The height of the hole is obtained by subtracting 10-15 cm from the height of the dog at the withers.

The booth is often placed at a time when the dog is still a puppy and has not reached its final form. In this case, you will have to rely on the advice of experienced breeders and use the standard kennel sizes for a German shepherd:

  • 120-125 cm long;
  • height 90-100 cm;
  • width 65-70 cm;
  • hole dimensions 40x60 cm.

Dimensional drawing of a booth with an open vestibule for a German shepherd

A booth with a vestibule is made more elongated - by 20-30 cm. The vestibule is often separated not by an entrance hole, but simply by an internal partition that does not reach the wall. In this case, the size of the kennel allows the dog to lie down with its paws extended along the long side of the kennel.

Drawing and size of a booth with a closed vestibule for a German shepherd

Necessary materials and tools

Attention should be paid to the choice of materials - the walls of the building should be well tolerated by temperature changes, exposure to ultraviolet radiation, and not swell from moisture. The booth must be not only durable, but also completely safe for the animal. For construction, it is important to choose environmentally friendly materials without pungent odors that do not contain toxins.

The best choice would be natural wood - easy-to-handle and inexpensive hardwoods or pine are suitable for construction. It will be easier to build a booth from a lining or edged board of small thickness - 2-3 cm. The frame is made of a wooden beam - a square section board. It is important to choose good quality wood, free of knots, signs of rot or cracks. This will significantly increase the life of the future kennel.

For comfortable work with wood, you will need a special set of tools:

  • tape measure, marker or pencil for marking;
  • building level;
  • hammer, electric drill for fasteners;
  • saw or electric jigsaw to cut out the details;
  • fasteners - screws, ties, self-tapping screws, nails;
  • wood glue, silicone sealant for joints.

To cover the roof, it is better to choose soft waterproofing materials - then the sound of rain will not disturb the dog. Many modern roofing materials also have thermal insulation properties. Some details of the building are best prepared in advance - a tarpaulin or plastic to close the manhole can be purchased at a hardware store. You should also buy special moisture-proof impregnations for wood and a paint brush for applying them.

IMPORTANT: In order not to cause allergies in the animal, no industrial wood products are used inside the booth. It is best to soak the boards with natural oils.

How to build a booth with your own hands

With the help of a marker and a tape measure, an accurate drawing is made, the amount of material is calculated. The construction site is cleared and leveled if necessary. To build a booth, the following steps are performed step by step:

IMPORTANT: If prolonged severe frosts (up to 30-35 degrees) are observed in winter, one layer of insulation may not be enough. It is recommended to additionally sheathe the booth from the inside with pieces of thick felt, which can be removed in the spring.

Such insulation is carried out using a construction stapler. Also, during cold weather, a bedding of hay is placed in the booth and a second curtain is hung on the passage from the main compartment to the vestibule.

Proper care

A wooden German Shepherd kennel can last up to twenty years, but keep in mind that the building needs regular cleaning and disinfection. These procedures should be carried out at least twice a year. To do this, the animal is moved out of the booth, the walls are cleaned with mild household chemicals, disinfected and treated with insecticides. After thorough drying, the tree, if necessary, is re-coated with protective impregnations. When the walls are completely dry, the shepherd can be returned to its place.

Video: how to make a booth for a German shepherd with your own hands

Video: how to make a do-it-yourself insulated booth for a German shepherd

The common phrase about the life of a dog these days applies only to stray dogs. Watchdogs have never been deprived of the attention of their owners. For their pets, they are ready to go to considerable expense, equipping them with comfortable housing.

Not everyone will agree to keep a short dog that acts as a barking “alarm” to guard the house. Another thing is the East European or German Shepherd. This is a strong and intelligent dog, well adapted by nature to life outside a warm room.

With her appearance alone, she inspires respect and discourages the desire to climb into someone else's territory.

Despite the warm undercoat and dense coat, it is not easy for a brave dog to serve on frosty nights. Therefore, the most important task that its owner needs to solve is the construction of a warm booth.

Our article will help the owners of shepherd dogs in this matter. In it, we will consider successful examples of dog houses, as well as give useful recommendations on their size and arrangement.

Correct measurement - a comfortable booth

When designing a "dog house", the anatomical features of the dog should be taken into account. A thoughtful approach is needed here so that the room does not turn out to be cramped or very large. In the first case, the dog will not be able to live in it. In an overly spacious kennel, it will be cold in winter.

The optimal size of the booth for a German shepherd is determined according to the following scheme:

  • the depth should be equal to the length of the animal's body (L) + 10 cm;
  • the width is taken equal to the height of the dog at the withers (h);
  • height equals the height of the dog (H) + 10 cm;
  • the hole is made 5 cm more than the width of the chest (a) and 5 cm below the height of the dog (H).

If the dog is still young and has not reached adult standards, then do not rush to take a tape measure and measure it according to the sizes indicated above. It is wiser to build a booth "for growth."

For East European and German Shepherds, cynologists recommend the following internal dimensions:

  • Length - 115 cm.
  • Height - 90 cm.
  • Width - 65 cm.
  • Manhole (width and height) - 35x50 cm.

For adult Caucasian shepherds, the dimensions of the dwelling should be as follows:

  • Length - 135 cm.
  • Height - 100 cm.
  • Width - 75 cm.
  • Manhole - 40x60 cm.

The roof of the booth can be single-pitched or gable (tent). The second option looks better, but shepherd connoisseurs often choose the first. The fact is that the dog likes to lie on the roof, watching what is happening around him. In addition, the ability to jump on and off the roof is good for the physical condition of the dog, which is kept on a leash for most of the day.

The angle of inclination of a shed roof is not very large (10-15 degrees). Cover it with non-slip material (slate, ondulin or euroroofing material).

The gable roof should have a slope of 20 to 30 degrees. As a coating here, you can use metal or bituminous tiles.

An important nuance is the ability to lift or remove the roof for cleaning and sanitizing the dog's home.

If the booth is not interlocked with a covered vestibule, then the roof canopy over the manhole must be extended by 60-70 cm, making a protective visor from rain and snow.

The floor inside the shepherd kennel is laid out of tongue-and-groove boards or OSB boards. The walls of the booth are made double. To do this, a chipboard is attached to the wooden frame on the outside, and inside it is sheathed with clapboard or plywood. Ecowool, mineral wool or polystyrene 5 cm thick is laid between the skin.

The floor and roof should also be insulated, making them double. Underfloor heating eliminates the need for bedding. During severe frosts, burlap or tarpaulin is hung over the entrance.

Examples of shepherd kennels

As they say, theory is good, but practice is better. Therefore, we suggest that you consider several interesting options for shepherd dog booths.

By lengthening one of the roof slopes and extending the sheathing of the booth, we will get a vestibule open on both sides. In inclement weather, it will protect the dog from the rain, and on a hot sunny day, it will shelter it from the scorching sun.

In the next photo we see an example of a booth with a gable roof, forming a vestibule open on three sides. This configuration is not only convenient for the dog, but also easy to implement.

Good visibility and weather protection are obvious advantages of this design. Outside, the kennel is upholstered with a tongue-and-groove board. OSB board was used for interior wall, floor and roof cladding. Roofing material - soft tiles.

The functionality of the dog house is an important, but not the only issue that should be given attention. The appearance of the booth is also important. One of the original options is an imitation of human habitation.

Having built such "mansions" for a four-legged friend with a canopy and a fence, you can proudly say that your dog lives no worse than the owner.

It is better to build a warm booth with the expectation of the dimensions of an adult dog. Sheepdogs grow up fast. You will not have time to look back, as your teenage puppy will not be able to fit into his old kennel.

The photo below shows a booth with a combined roof. Above the sleeping area, it is made single-sided, and a canopy is arranged above the entrance. This solution allows you to do without a vestibule, provided that the width of the canopy is at least 70 cm.

There are different opinions about the placement of the manhole. Some shepherd dog owners argue that it is better to do it from the narrow side of the booth. Others believe that the dog is more comfortable when the entrance is located on a long wall. We think that this question is not fundamental. It is much more important to make the kennel such that the dog does not freeze in it, can freely turn around, stand up to its full height and curl up for the night.

The fact that the kennel should not be very large, we have already said. Now let's look at the photo, where the owner obviously overdid it with its size. If an area of ​​​​4 m2 is acceptable for a covered vestibule, then you should not make a huge booth for an overnight stay. The only exception is keeping a dog with puppies during their growing period.

Few owners think at what height it is better to put dog feeders. Practice has shown that placing them on the floor is not the best option. Therefore, today you can find booths equipped with stands for feeders.

To exclude direct contact with the ground, the floor of the booth and vestibule should be raised above the ground. 5-7 centimeters of clearance will be enough.

A flat roof on a kennel should not be done. Water will always find a crack for itself and wet your watchman.

The flat top can only be used in the kennel. It is built in the case when the house is often visited by people unfamiliar to the dog.

In order for the dog not to spin underfoot and not interfere with cleaning, a piece of plywood is placed above the entrance to the kennel. It slides up and down on two guides.

How to make a warm home for a shepherd?

In order to build a shepherd dog house with your own hands, you will need the following materials:

  1. Planed bar with a section of 5x5 cm for the base frame, uprights and frame strapping.
  2. OSB board for floor, roof and wall cladding.
  3. Pine lining for interior decoration.
  4. Styrofoam or minplate 5 cm thick for wall, floor and roof insulation.
  5. Steel corner for frame assembly.
  6. Self-tapping screws.
  7. Roofing material (asbestos-cement slate, ondulin or metal tile).

The first step is cutting the bars and assembling the base frame. For the floor, you can use a whole sheet of OSB. Its dimensions of 1.25 x 2.5 meters fit perfectly into the recommended dimensions of the booth and vestibule for a German shepherd.

The width of the sleeping compartment from the outside will be 0.77 m. In this case, 0.65 m will remain inside (0.75 m - the thickness of the insulation is 0.1 m, OSB boards and lining 0.02 m). We will take the total length of the booth equal to 125 cm, and its internal height - 90 cm. 2.5-1.25 \u003d 1.25 meters will remain on the vestibule.

The floor in our version is made double. The cavity between the lining in the sleeping compartment is filled with insulation, and left empty under the vestibule. To create a ventilated gap between the bottom of the base and the ground, four antiseptic bars are attached to the slab.

The next stage of work is the installation of racks and the upper trim of the frame. To do this, you need to cut the bar according to the dimensions of the drawing and attach it to the base plate with steel corners. After that, the bars of the upper belt of the frame are fixed to the upper ends of the racks.

Having assembled the frame, they make the inner (lining) and outer (OSB plate) sheathing of the booth. After that, a heater is laid in the space between the lining and the OSB.

To protect the vestibule from blowing, a chipboard is attached to the back of the frame, fixing it to the posts of the booth and the frame of the vestibule.

The tambour is covered with an OSB slab and an ondulin or metal tile is attached to it. The roof above the sleeping compartment is double insulated and swivel. For its manufacture, a bar and two pieces of OSB board are used. Having fixed the strapping from the bar on the slab, the insulation is laid and it is covered from above with the second piece of the slab. After making sure that the cover fits evenly and tightly into place, two loops are attached to it and fixed with self-tapping screws to the upper belt of the frame.

The swivel lid is covered with the same material as the vestibule. Please note that the slate must be placed so that it covers the sheet located above the vestibule with an extreme wave. In this case, water will not get under the roof.

After completing the assembly, the sheathing of the booth and the racks of the frame are varnished or painted with high-quality paint for outdoor use.

Related video:

What should be the dimensions of the booth for a German shepherd: requirements for a kennel and how to build it yourself

The German Shepherd is a service dog breed and many owners use them as guards in a private home.

In this case, the animal must have shelter from the cold or, conversely, heat and precipitation.

The kennel will become a reliable and warm home for a shepherd dog living in the yard or in an aviary.

What should be the right booth for a shepherd dog?

And how to build it with your own hands?

Can a German Shepherd be kept outdoors in winter?

Despite the fact that the German Shepherd does not belong to a particularly frost-resistant breed, it tolerates sub-zero temperatures well and may well live on the street all year round, provided that it has an insulated booth in which the dog can hide from rain, snow, frost or on the contrary, intense heat.

Also, when keeping a pet outside in winter, you will have to slightly change his diet: you need to increase the content of meat products, as well as fat, if the dog eats natural food.

It is desirable to give water a little warmed up, and food warm, but not hot.

It should be remembered that not only air temperature matters, but also humidity..

A shepherd dog living in a climate with a drier climate can withstand even thirty-degree frosts, but in a humid climate it is better to take a dog into a house or, at least, into a barn, already at a temperature of -15 degrees.

How to choose the right place

It is best if the pet's "house" is located on a slight elevation - this will improve visibility and, moreover, prevent the booth from flooding during heavy rain or snowmelt.

It is desirable that there are trees or any buildings next to the booth that protect it from the wind.. But it should not be a garage, a toilet, or a room for keeping farm animals and birds, as the dog will be disturbed by noise and strong odors.

You should not place the booth next to the fence, as the shepherd can begin to bark at every passerby, causing concern not only to the owners, but also to their neighbors.

Building Requirements

The main requirements for dog kennels are that they be comfortable, warm and protect the pet from bad weather.

The kennel should be of such a size that the dog can stretch out to its full length there. But at the same time, it is very important to take into account the fact that the dog's "house" is heated only by the heat generated by the body of the animal, which is why the residential part of the kennel should not be too spacious.

The materials from which it is made must retain heat well and at the same time be safe for the pet: do not emit any fumes and not be allergenic.

The bottom of the kennel should be raised above ground level and not touch it: this will protect the dog from hypothermia and at the same time make the booth more durable.

Measuring a pet to determine the size of the booth

If the booth is made for an already adult shepherd dog, then it is better to build it in accordance with the measurements of the dog, since such a kennel will suit the pet best.

In order to build a kennel according to individual sizes, you need to carry out the following measurements:

  • body length. Measured from the tip of the nose to the base of the tail. Determines the length of the booth. In order for the dog not to feel too cramped, you need to add 15 cm to the resulting value.
  • General growth. The height of the animal is measured from the top of the head to the floor. It is the main one in determining the height of the kennel. To the resulting value, you must also add 15 cm.
  • Height at the withers. It is measured from the withers to the floor and is fundamental for determining the height of the manhole. So that it is not too high, you need to subtract 10 cm from the measurement result.
  • Chest Width. The distance between the shoulder-blade joints in the animal is measured. Specifies the width of the hole. To the value of this measurement, you need to add 10 cm so that the dog does not get stuck when passing into the booth.

When taking measurements, the dog should stand calmly and evenly.

Kennel dimensions

In the event that a kennel is made for a puppy or a young dog that has not yet had time to fully develop physically, it is recommended to use the following indicators, which are the average sizes of shepherd booths:

  • Length: 120-125 cm.
  • Height: 90-100 cm.
  • Width: 65-70 cm.
  • Hole size: 40×60 cm.

If you plan to do it yourself or order a booth with a vestibule, then you need to add another 20-30 cm to the length.

Types and how to choose

There are the following types of booths for shepherd dogs:

  • With a pitched roof.
  • With a gable roof.
  • With tambour.
  • With an aviary.

All of them have their own advantages, due to the design features. So, shed booths allow the dog to use the roof as a kind of couch, from where a better view opens.

Double-pitched roofs provide better protection from rain, as water drains off them faster.. Booths with a vestibule save heat well inside the dog's "house". A booth with an aviary allows the pet to move freely around the territory and prevents the dog from escaping or other animals entering its territory.

When deciding which option to prefer, one must proceed, first of all, not from considerations of beauty, but from how practical this particular type of booth is and what advantages it has over the others.

So, for regions with a cold climate and in areas where strong winds are not uncommon, it is recommended to build booths with a vestibule for dogs. In areas with high humidity and frequent precipitation - with a gable roof.

At present, it is easy to find a booth of any design, even built in the image and likeness of the master's house or even a fairy-tale palace.

But before you decide on such an acquisition, you need to think about how practical and convenient such a booth is for the dog.

What is the best material to make?

The material from which the shepherd kennel will be built must be resistant to temperature extremes, as well as exposure to sunlight and, of course, moisture. In addition, it must be environmentally friendly and safe for animals.

Experts recommend choosing oak, alder, pine or spruce wood as materials for dog kennels. At the same time, the material needs to be of high quality: it should not have rot, cracks or knots, otherwise the booth will be short-lived and in a few years you will have to install a new one.

Whereas a kennel made of high-quality material can stand on the site for up to 20 years.

Many wood-shaving or wood-fiber materials are more attractive in price and at the same time quite durable, but it is not recommended to build a kennel from them, since synthetic resins are used in their manufacture, which can cause allergies in a shepherd dog and, moreover, emit air harmful to the health of dogs fumes.

What materials are needed to build

To build a kennel you will need the following materials:

  • Lining or edged board 2-3 cm thick.
  • Wooden beam of square section.
  • Joiner's glue.
  • Silicone sealant.
  • Self-tapping screws, nails, tie-down screws.
  • Door hinges or furniture fittings.
  • Soft roofing material for the roof, for example, roofing felt.
  • Insulation material: for example, expanded polystyrene. In addition, you will also need parchment.
  • Tarpaulin for closing the manhole.
  • Moisture-proof and antiseptic impregnation for wood. You can also stock up on impregnation that increases the fire resistance of wood, which will make the booth more fireproof.

Of the tools you will need:

  • Roulette.
  • Pencil or marker.
  • Building level.
  • Electric drill.
  • A hammer.
  • Saw or electric jigsaw.

Impregnation for wood should be hypoallergenic, or you can simply soak the boards with natural oils.

Deciding on a drawing

Despite the fact that you can come up with many options for the design of the kennel, the most convenient and practical option is when the kennel has a rectangular shape and an entrance located on the side.

If you make the design too complicated, then it will be inconvenient and impractical, since such a room will be more difficult to put in order, and the dog itself will not feel too comfortable in it.

The roof can be made both single-pitched and double-pitched, but it should be noted that for self-construction, the first option will be easier to manufacture.

To facilitate further care of the booth, one of its walls or the roof should be made removable.

How to build with your own hands

Before proceeding to the construction of the booth, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work. First you need to find a suitable drawing on the Internet or develop it yourself.

The finished drawing can be adjusted to individual sizes in accordance with the measurements of the dog. You can also take a universal drawing of a kennel for large dogs, based on the fact that the length of the booth in this case should be equal to 120-125 cm, and if it still has a vestibule, then 140-155 cm.

After that, you need to transfer the full-size drawing to a sheet of thick paper or thin cardboard of a suitable size, using a tape measure and a marker or pencil for this. Then the parts need to be cut out and used as templates.

The place where the shepherd kennel will be located must be cleaned and, if necessary, leveled. Also, it would be desirable that the booth was located on the top of a gentle slope, so that water does not stagnate there.

Plywood, edged board or lining must be properly planed and sanded so that the pet does not get hurt on them or drive a splinter.

The process of building a booth:

  • First, the base frame is assembled from wooden beams, which are fastened with self-tapping screws or metal corners. Its height should be equal to 15 cm. At the same time, the dimensions of the base may coincide with the length and width of the booth, or may be slightly larger, forming a platform. For stability in the frame, it is recommended to install one or two jumpers along the long side of the structure.
  • A floor covering is made - single or double, if a well-insulated booth is needed. The materials for its manufacture can be edged board, lining or moisture resistant plywood. If the bottom is double, then mineral wool is laid between the two layers.
  • Four beams are placed along the edges of the base, equal in length to the height of the booth. You can also additionally install several crossbars between them.
  • If there is a vestibule, then its inner wall is installed, made, in accordance with the drawing, from plywood or lining.
  • The remaining parts of the booth are being prepared, for which full-size templates of parts are applied to the prepared material and outlined along the contour with a pencil or marker. After that, they are cut out, put in place and connected using the selected fastening material.
  • From the bars in accordance with the drawing, a frame for the roof is placed.
  • If the roof is flat, then 3 bars are attached to one of its sides so that the roof rests on them at an angle of about 15 degrees.
  • The walls of the booth should be sheathed with insulation, for which it is most convenient to use polystyrene foam of a suitable thickness.
  • The final sheathing of the booth with clapboard is being done.
  • Next, the roof is installed, if desired, it can also be insulated. After that, furniture fittings or door hinges are attached so that the roof can be easily removed during cleaning inside the kennel.
  • Finally, the walls are treated with an antiseptic and moisture resistant impregnation. Outside, they are painted or varnished, but inside they are left unpainted.
  • From the inside, a canvas curtain is hung on a bar attached above the manhole.


The manhole should be located on the wide side of the kennel, in the area of ​​​​the vestibule, if any.

Its edges are reinforced with additional crossbars nailed along the edges.

What to insulate?

In order for the booth to be as warm as possible, it is necessary to lay layers of insulation on both sides with glassine. To do this, parts are cut out of it, cut out according to a template, and tightly fit onto wood blanks.

Glassine can be fixed with a construction stapler. After that, a layer of polystyrene foam is placed, and on top of it - another layer of glassine. At the end, a second layer of lining or plywood is made, covering the glassine from above.


In places with a cold climate, where frosts reach -30-35 degrees, one layer of polystyrene foam is not enough for insulation.

In order to additionally insulate the kennel, it is recommended that before the onset of cold weather, it is additionally sheathed from the inside with a layer of thick felt, which can be removed in the warm season.

Also in winter, a bed of hay or old blankets is placed on the floor of the booth..

So that a cold wind does not blow through the hole into the kennel, you can, if there is a vestibule, hang another curtain made of tarpaulin separating it from the living compartment.

How to arrange?

If desired, the booth can be supplemented with many useful additions, among which are such as:

  • Support for the feeder and drinker.
  • A canopy that protects the dog from snow, rain and direct sunlight.
  • Box for toys and dog accessories.
  • Place for a toilet.
  • Aviary.

If desired, you can use a place under a gable roof for storing dog utensils, which could easily be opened. But at the same time, it will be necessary to make changes to the drawing in advance, even before cutting the templates.

Does it need to be chained?

It is impossible to put a German Shepherd on a chain, as this causes the animal both physical and psychological discomfort. A chained dog becomes angry and vengeful and, worst of all, loses trust in people, including the owner. In addition, with chain keeping, the exterior of the shepherd deteriorates: the muscles may weaken or the back may sag.

And, finally, keeping a pet on a chain is unacceptable for safety reasons: a shepherd dog can get tangled in a chain and injure its paw, or even choke it.

The chain can only be used to isolate the pet for a short time, while someone from the household will be watching him at this time, but you can’t keep the animal on it all the time.

The German Shepherd is a strong and hardy dog ​​that can live all year round in the yard of a private house or in an aviary. But in order for the pet to endure the cold well, it is necessary to make sure that he has a warm and cozy booth. You can buy it ready-made, make it to order or make it yourself.

At the same time, it should be remembered that the shepherd dog will perceive the booth as its home only if it does not have unpleasant memories associated with it, and the kennel itself is roomy enough, but at the same time warm and cozy.

Useful video

From the video you will learn how to build a shepherd dog house with your own hands: